In this world of advancement of Information Technology coupled with the era of Digital Marketing, a Landing Pageis a web page that is created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. The basic function of Landing Page is to convert the visitors into the leads that can be converted into prospective customers as per the requirement.
Landing page is in fact the second step towards the visitor who has provided the contact information and can become prospective customer because it is customized to specific campaign or offer.
Advantages of Landing Page is numerous and major advantages includes Increase in the Traffic, Leaving Good Impression on the visitors, building up of Credibility, Converting the Visitors into Leads, Direct and to the point and Acts as a vehicle to promote new Products or Services etc.
While designing the landing page major thrust should be given on its headline. The headline should be such that it should attract the visitors and compel them to go through it. Further it should clearly describe the product or services in such a way that visitors automatic get connected with it due to the relevancy aspect. Next Images and videos also play the crucial role that cannot be overlooked while working on the components of post click landing page framework and due importance and required work should be done to make it more effective and visitor oriented.