Software Maintenance

Software Maintenance

Every Business Unit controls its activity by the Customized Software that is developed and delivered to that particular organization/Business Unit. Initially, when the software is developed, its demerits or point of improvement cannot be predetermined due to lack of implementation. When a Customized Software is run in an Organization, then the faults in its operation can be traced and corrective measures be taken by way of Software Maintenance.

In simple language Software Maintenance can be explained as changes/modifications or up-dations in the delivered software on regular basis as per the requirement. The features that are modified may again need modification due to change in that particular product/service or due to changing scenario of that particular business as a whole.

Many Business Unit/Organization monitor the requirement of the particular customized software on the regular basis and they keep on modifying/updating that particular software to achieve their desired output. It indicates that Business Unit focus on productivity by adjusting the customized software by means of Software Maintenance