In today’s world of advancement of Information Technology coupled with the commencement of the Digital Era,the Online Examination Software has come under spotlight, but the utility of Online Examination Software was felt more when due to the advent of pandemic Covid-19 Educational Institutions across the world were forced to close so that the spread of Covid-19can be checked. As such the Educational Institutions have to manage online Teaching on one side and assess the students progress by online Examination on the other side.
Selecting and managing the Online Examination Software is a great challenge, but if implemented properly then it is beneficial both for the Educational Institutions and the examinees. The very first benefit of it is that this processhelps in saving tree by being paper. Secondly this process is fully automated if the question is of MCQ type and the entire functionalities is being controlled by the software itself. Next advantage arises from the fact that this software is more secure and a Big Question Bank can be used. Further this process saves the time and money of the students as they do not have to travel to the specific location to appear in the said examination. Every system has some limitations, but in this software, there are so many advantages that minor limitations can be ignored and the said Online Examination Software can be judiciously used for the benefit of Students.