Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESI) is a body that provides social security to its members It comes under Ministry of Labour and Employment. In 1948 ESI encompassed certain health related issues only, but with the passage of time its benefits increased.
Our company runs ESI Consultation Service for the employees working in different sectors and appraises them about the benefit of the same. Besides Factory workers ESI covers the employees working in hotels, shops, cinemas, theatres, restaurants, newspaper and other designated establishmentsas per the guidelines.
We inform the employees that besides Medical BenefitsESI also provides different level of financial security in times of hardships like Maternity Benefit, Sickness Benefit, Unemployment Allowance, Disability Benefit and Dependent Benefits etc.
Besides the above benefit we also enumerate the people about the other benefits of ESI such as Skill Upgradation Training, Vocational Training, Physical Rehabilitation, Confinement Expenses and Funeral Expenses etc.
We always insist and consult the employees to be the active members of ESI and be benefited in case of any hardship that may come.